Moving Home

Getting Ready for Moving Home

Moving home can be a challenging time for the most of us and children are no exception. Change can be a hard thing for little ones to accept. Here are some top tips to make it as stress free as possible.   

To help prepare:

  • Discuss moving home as soon as you can. Giving your child as much time to prepare themselves as possible. Our book 'My New Home' can help start these conversations and encourage the child to ask lots of questions. 
  • Allow the child to be involved in the process. This is includes packing their belongings. This will help them understand what to expect. Giving the child their own responsibilities can them to feel excited such as finding new places to put their belongings.  
  • Visit the new home and take lots of pictures. If this is possible it can be a great way to help the child imagine all the fun that they will have in their new home. 
  • While discussing all the things that will change, make sure you have also touched upon all the things that will stay the same. Knowing their bedtime will stay the same; they will have the same toys to play with and their favourite food will still be on the menu will reassure them. 
  • Get help moving you stuff and make choices that mean you are as carefree as possible. A child will sense you stress. Paying a removal company or getting family and friends to help with the major part will make sure you are able to support your child. 
  • Pack a small bag of things for the child to do once they arrive. 

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